The other evening I just took some bits and pieces of scarps I had on my desk and tried to make something out of it. I had stamped the image of the flower some time ago, but I never liked it so much. But here it's not that bad.
I materiali utilizzati sono:
Merials used are:
Cartoncino Fabriano - Fabriano cardstock
Ritagli di carta marca sconosciuta - Paper scraps unknown brand
Timbri Stampin' Up, Aud design, Autumn leaves -
Rubberstamps from Stampin' Up, Aud design, Autumn leaves
Inchiostro Brilliance Pink e Green, Distress ink Viola Ranger-
Brilliance Pink and Green Ink, Lilac distress ink by Ranger
2 commenti:
Strabella!!! Guarda cosa combini con le tue manine d'oro... sei mitica.
E io straquoto la fanciulla qui sopra :)))
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